Friday, September 16, 2005

Taxes Really Suck & Katrina Rantings!!!!

I'm putting this at the top of this BLOG 'cause I liked it so much. I received this via email today and thought I would pass it around. The person who wrote this says he is from McComb, Pike County, Mississippi.

Here it is:
To: my friends and family:

From: a McComb ResidentWhat I have seen since Katrina:

The poor and the wealthy hurt by the storm. Black, white, Hispanic, Oriental and Indian all hurt by the storm.

Christian people giving, giving, giving. Churches going all out to minister in Jesus' name.

Neighbors going door to door helping one another. Thugs and hoodlums going door to door looking for someone vulnerable.

Ice and water being fought over as police tried to keep the peace.

People coming up from New Orleans taking over empty houses because shelters are full.

Out of town volunteers coming with food and staying for now a week still serving it.

The Churches all over this part of the country doing what Christians do in a crisis.

The Red Cross doing a great job in the shelters.

The Salvation Army doing a great job in the community.

Four Hundred crewman from everywhere bring back the power to our homes, churches and businesses.

Lines at service stations a block to a mile long.

National Guardsman patrolling the streets of Mc Comb along with Kentucky policemen protecting us from the hoodlums and thugs of Mc Comb, Pike County and New Orleans (the most dangerous city in the world before Katrina.)

Drug dealers working outside shelters.

Doctors, nurses and other hospital personnel working tirelessly, even sleeping in the hospital to do the job God called them to do.


The ACLU setting up a feeding line.

People for the American Way helping in the shelters.

The NAACP doing any work whatsoever.

The American Atheist organization serving meals in the shelters.

Jesse Jackson directing traffic at the gas stations.

I could go on but you get my message.

The gripers in Congress should come on down and get in line to pass the water and the ice. Are you listening Hillary, Chuck, Teddy and all the sorry loafers we call Senators and Congressmen? They don't have a clue as to what this life is all about here on the Gulf Coast.
Aaaaaaamen, Brother...

I'm such a sucker!!! I always get sucked in by the good that a tax can do for the community. Now, I'm also familiar with the bad as well... It started out on a nice mellow drive home from work on Thursday afternoon. I was basically minding my own business when I came upon a "slow mover". I decided to move around this slow mover by jumping in the right lane and accelerating past them. Well, I had no sooner passed the slow mover when WHAMMY!!!! Motorcycle Cop hidden on a side street nailed me with his fat gun (not a derogatory term - just means RADAR gun). When I realized I was busted, I was in the process of moving over to the left lane and slowing down. So, I moved back over to the right and pulled over. Got me doing 11 over the limit. D&%N!!!

Moral of this story is "Think hard and long about any tax you are voting on." During one of the most recent elections, I had voted on a small, tiny little tax increase to provide more money for crime fighting. Catching more criminals is a good thing, right? Well, not when I'm the criminal they are catching. I am the model citizen. I pay lots of tax to the city, county, state, feds, I register my cars, obey all other laws (other than occasionally bending the law when it comes to the speed limit). I haven't even had a ticket of any kind in over 10 years. It's probably more like 20 years. Yet, I see people running hard red lights, flipping U-turns where they aren't allowed, passing me like I'm not even moving, not using turn signals, driving way under the posted limit, talking on the phone and driving while straddling the dashed white line and generally driving like there are no rules.

So, next time someone asks for a tax increase, It's going to have to be a really, really, REALLY good reason or I'm not voting for it. Anyone else feel my pain???


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